Connecting Bluetooth Dongle to PC

Having a problem connecting Bluetooth Dongle to your PC? Try these troubleshooting steps. You can try all of them in a sequence or each step in any order.

Some of the troubleshooting steps you can try

1. You must see the Bluetooth icon in the system tray (extreme right in the taskbar).

a. Right-click on the icon and select settings, under the options tab, check all the checkboxes (there are 4) and try.

b. You must pair them(computer and mobile) before transferring files.

2. If there is no Bluetooth icon in the system tray, unplug and plug it again into the USB port. Then do the settings part.

3. You can transfer files in 2 ways –

a. one- there will be software provided with the dongle. You can use that

b. two- you just install the driver of Bluetooth dongle and right-click on the Bluetooth icon and say RECEIVE A FILE or SEND A FILE.

4. You may have to do some workarounds to make it work.


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