Amazing tricks in MS Word which are less known

Write Anywhere

How to write anywhere in the MS word document
You can only move the cursor to the location you have already visited. But what if you want to type anywhere in the document? You can do so by double-clicking your mouse left button. Once you double click, the cursor will move to that location and you can start typing.

Quick calculate

How to quickly calculate big numbers in MS word
Think about you have a big number and you want to know the total sum or the difference of the numbers quickly. You may copy the values into excel and find a sum or difference. Or you can use your calculator to do the math. What if you have the Excel-like option within the MS word to quickly calculate the sum or difference? Yes, you have that option in the quick access menu. That’s at the top left corner. First, enable the Formula item in the quick access menu, then to find the sum select the numbers and press on the formula button. You can see the result in the status bar.

How to clear the formatting at once.

Select the portion of the text, then press CTRL + Space. All the formatting will be cleared.

How to delete an entire word at once

Move to the location where you want to delete. Hold the CTRL key and press Backspace and Del one after the other. Backspace will delete the left portion from the cursor and Del will delete the right portion of the text from the cursor.

How to change upper case to lower case, Lower case to upper or camel case

Select the portion of the text, which you want to change the case. Hold the SHIFT key and then press function key F3. Remember, if the function keys are associated with multimedia other functions, then you have to hold the Fn key along with the SHIFT key.  

Replace all the images in the document at once

Keep the to-be-replaced image in the clipboard. For that, open the image in an image viewer and copy. Go to MS word document. Press CTRL + H to replace all the images. In the search box enter ^g, this means all the graphics content. In the replace box type ^c, this means the content of the clipboard. Then press replace all. You will see all the old images replaced with newer ones.

4 Amazing WhatsApp features you should know

A lot of new features have been introduced in the WhatsApp recently. You may know some of them or all of them. I am listing here 4 new features that are very handy.

1. Sending messages to multiple people - Message broadcasting

Earlier there was no option to send messages more than one person at a time, without creating a group. But now, WhatsApp has added this new feature where you can send a message to multiple persons. Remember, you cannot forward a message to multiple people. It has to be your own message and not the forwarded message. If you want to broadcast a forwarded message, then you can copy and send it to multiple persons

Follow these steps to broadcast a message to multiple persons.

On the home screen of WhatsApp, select CHATS, then click on 3 dots, which will display a menu.

You will find a menu item called New Broadcast, click on it. In the next screen, you will get an option to chose the contacts to which you want to broadcast a message. Select the contacts and click on the tick mark at the bottom to go the compose screen.

2. Change the way ENTER key works

In most cases when you press the ENTER key on your keyboard, it takes you to the new line. But in WhatsApp, you can configure it to act as a SEND button. That means, whenever you press the ENTER key, the message, which is already composed will be sent. You can configure this in the CHAT settings.

Under the CHATS menu, click on the 3 dots. Then select Chats

In the next screen, under Chat Settings if the box is checked, then ENTER will act as a send key. If you uncheck this box, then ENTER key will take you to the new line while composing a message. 

3. Check who has read or received your message in a WhatsApp group

If you are sending a message to a single contact then you can easily see whether the message has delivered or not. You can also see if the recipient has read your message or not, provided, the recipient has enabled the REAS RECEIPTS. 

What if you are sending a message to a group, you still have an option to check who has read your message and whom and all the message has delivered. 

Follow the below steps.

Select the message you have sent to a group by long pressing on it. 

Then click on the 3 dots at the top right corner, select Info.

You will see 2 sections, one Read By and second Delivered to. This shows who has read your message and to whom all the message has delivered.  

4. Change the FONT in the WhatsApp - More Options 

This feature was introduced a little while ago, check out more options below 

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