[SOLVED] MacBook Pro keyboard backlight not working? Check this post

Keyboard backlight not working on your MacBook Pro? And your Mac has a touch bar? 

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MacBook Pro 2020 which comes with a touch bar has moved its Keyboard backlight controls to the touch bar. You will not see any control on the screen under the Keyboard settings. But the setting in the touch bar is also not easy to see and it bit tricky. You most probably, think that there is some issue with Keyboard. Even the support people suggest resetting some of the settings. That is what happened with my case. Luckily I found a way to change the settings. 

By default, the Keyboard backlight settings are not visible on the touch bar. You have to expand the tra-like stuff on the touch bar and then you will find icons, which look similar to screen brightness control icons. 

On the right side of your touch bar, you will these 4 controls

1. Screen Brightness control 

2. Volume control 

3. Mute control 

4. Siri button. 

Left these controls there is an arrow button which looks like '<', by clicking on this, you will see more controls. 

Once you click on the left arrow mark as shown in the above picture, it will open up more controls. 

At the center of the touch bar, you will see controls that look similar to Screen Brightness controls. You can use these to adjust the backlight of the Keyboard. 

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