It is often useful to have a function to convert numbers into words in Excel. It will be very handy in accounts. I have written an Excel macro to convert numbers into text. I have already created a macro which will convert a number in Indian system - that is ##,##,### format, to words. You can find it here
Now I have come up with a macro which does the same thing with the western numbering system, that is 3 digits separation like ###,###,###. The dollar is used as currency, but it can be changed to any currency just by changing the text "Dollar". You can do that by finding replacing.
How to use it:
1. Download the Excel VBA macro module from here
2. Open Excel
3. Press Alt + F11
A window will open, it is called Visual Basic Editor aka VBA editor.
4. In the VBA editor select Insert, Module.
A new module will be created at the left side pane, on the right side you can see a blank pane. Paste your code here
Or, alternatively, you can import the module directly
5. Save and go back to Excel by pressing Alt + F11
6. In the Excel worksheet, select Formula and them Insert. You will see a dialog with available functions.
You have to browse to User Defined Functions to your macro by name ConvertCurrencyToEnglish_spellnumber
select and provide proper input