VBA Code to copy and paste the Content from excel to word

There are situations where you may have to copy and paste some content from excel to word. And save the newly created document into disk. The below VBA code or a macro will help you to do that. It is a very simple code, it is being executed from MS Excel. The MS Word object Library should included. This library has to functionality to interact with MS word object. 

To include MS word object library, go to Tools and then select References. Select the required object library as shown in the picture below.

To copy the VBA code follow the below steps

Open excel and make your table ready. This steps is as per your requirement. 

Press Ctrl + F11, this will open a Visual Basic editor. 

Click on insert and then module. 

Module1 will appear if do not have any  module. Paste the below code into this module 

Go back to excel and your macro will appear under macros list. Select and click on Run to execute the macro. 

Watch this video for more details explanation

Sub CreateWord()
    Dim w
    Dim d
    Dim filename As String
    'filename = "D:\\krishna\\youtube vidoes upload\\Marks Card " & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & "_" & Second(Now())
    filename = "D:\\krishna\\youtube vidoes upload\\Marks Card " & Sheets("marks_sheet").Range("G7:G7") & "_" & Sheets("marks_sheet").Range("G8:G8")
    Set d = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    'If w Is Nothing Then
    Set w = d.Documents.Add
    d.Visible = True
    'd.Selection.Paste ("new content")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    'ActiveDocument.Sections.Paste ("adsf")
    d.ActiveDocument.SaveAs filename
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Set w = Nothing
    Set d = Nothing

End Sub


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