Excel VBA macro to swap 2 values in cells

It is very useful sometimes to have a shortcut to swap 2 cell values. I have created a macro in VBA to do this. Just copy paste the code below in your VBA module.

This video will help you with the procedure

VBA Code
Sub Swap2Values()
    Dim Value1 As Range, Value2 As Range
    Dim TempValue1 As String, TempValue2 As String

    If Selection.Cells.Count > 2 Or Selection.Cells.Count < 2 Then
        MsgBox "Please select only 2 cells. For other options check back soon!"
    End If
    If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        Set Value1 = Selection.Areas(1).Cells(1, 1)
        Set Value2 = Selection.Areas(2).Cells(1, 1)
    ElseIf Selection.Rows.Count > Selection.Columns.Count Then
        Set Value1 = Selection.Range("A1")
        Set Value2 = Selection.Range("A2")
        Set Value1 = Selection.Range("A1")
        Set Value2 = Selection.Range("B1")
    End If
    TempValue1 = Value1
    TempValue2 = Value2
    Value1 = TempValue2
    Value2 = TempValue1
End Sub

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